Thursday, November 26, 2009

hang out oh hang out.

we are the bff !
sara thank you because hang out with me.
i know we are tired but this is so fun okie.
thank a lot u buying for me ABC.delicious.
im want it again. hehe
but dont worry i will conjunction for u food ok.

in she house,
sara do u want i tell everyone.
im not ashamed to eat ur food.
drink ur water.
and do it my self like my house.
because u dont know how make water for me.
ahahhahahaha !!
so sorry dear im not ashamed to u.
because we are childhood. yay !


  1. ahahah.
    sori la weyh
    ko dtg uma ak,ko yg kne wat air sndri
    masalhnya ak pndai wat bberapa jnis air jek

    len kali ak prktis oke.

    p/s : bersyukur dpt kwn dgn ko. ko la kwn ak since kte kecik lg

  2. hahaha 2 la ko len kali wt lbh byk air okay.
    alhamdulillah aq on bersyukur weh..
